What Are Solar Shades?
Solar shades offer excellent sun- and light-blocking benefits. If excessive sunlight shines through your windows, then solar shades may be the ideal solution. Solar Shades are an excellent window treatment option for windows in rooms that are exposed to the sun. Besides simply blocking the light, solar shades also reduce glare, protect against harmful UV rays, and prevent fading from the sun on carpets, furniture, and household surfaces.
When it comes to choosing window treatments, you may notice that some solar shades may have different percentage options. These percentages represent the openness factor, or how much UV rays and light are filtered through the shades. A lower percentage number indicates a greater solar shade opacity.
For example, if you want a significant amount of light and UV protection, you should choose a solar shade with 1% -3% openness. For moderate light control and protection, 5% solar shades are a good choice. However, if you want to allow more light, you can choose solar shades with up to 14% openness.
Do Solar Shades Provide Privacy?
Solar Shades offer moderate daytime privacy and can prevent people from being able to see into your home. Of all the solar shade options, 1% solar shades offer the most privacy, since they have the tightest weave. If you’re looking for maximum privacy over light control however, you may be better off with a more protective option, a roller shade.
Do Solar Shades Block Out Heat?
Yes, solar shades reduce heat by minimizing glare and blocking out light. Similar to the degree of light that is allowed in, the level of heat protection from solar shades also depends on the openness of the weave (the solar shade percentage). The fabric color can also influence heat and light blockage. Since lighter fabrics reflect more light compared to darker ones, choose darker fabrics if you want to block more light and heat.
Want to learn more? Contact us today and talk with our solar shades specialist.